In writer speak: this is where it looks like all is lost. That’s where TikTok is right now when it comes to their court case.
I just watched a video of an attorney that had a zoom call with one of TikTok’s lawyers. She said the Supreme court stats show they take 1 percent of appellate cases like TikTok’s.
If TikTok were a patient on the table in a hospital operating room. It looks like they’re gonna die. At least in the current configuration. I’m planning accordingly.
On the other side of the coin, an hour later I watched a video of a TikTok creator all upbeat about an off-the-record conversation he had with a TikTok employee who said there’s nothing to worry about. I think he should go watch the lawyer’s video I watched. Her take wasn’t rosy at all.
If I had to bet which one is right, I’m going with the lawyer. Like I said, I’m planning accordingly. I just hope I have enough time to implement my plan before the nice little side income I’m built on TikTok evaporates.
If the Supreme court decides to hear TikTok’s case and rules in their favor. Great. Chances of that happening? Probably a zillion to one.
This is the dark soul of the night. It does look like all is lost. Unlike a good book or movie, I don’t see a hero getting ready to ride in to save the day. I hope I’m wrong.
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According to the lawyer on TikTok, whose video I watched, she said that TikTok had a one percent chance of getting their appeal heard in front of the Supreme Court. Well, it’s looking like that’s going to happen.
They’re going to take the case, I think, January 10th, something like that. Since the CEO of TikTok went down to Mar-a-Lago and talked to Trump just before the Supreme Court agreed to review the case, I suspect the fix is in, seeing as how Trump and the Supreme Court are buddy-buddy, I think all of a sudden now they actually have a chance.
Before, I thought they were toast. Maybe not. We’ll see if they made the right payoffs or not, because ultimately that’s what they need to do.
They got to pay off the right politicians. I mean, this whole thing that it’s a national security issue is just complete fiction. TikTok obviously didn’t read the memo that it’s a pay to play business environment in the US.