I listened to about 3/4 of the Supreme Court hearing yesterday. I doubt TikTok convinced the court to order a stay in my opinion.
On a straight and level playing field, I would think that TikTok is absolutely going to be banned on the 19th.
But if I’ve learned anything over the last few years, there is no such thing in this country, if there ever was.
I’m hoping there’s going to be a back room deal that’s going to allow them to stay in business in this country.
Having said that, I wouldn’t put money on it either way. Last week I was confidant a payoff would be made and TikTok would survive. Now, I’m not so sure. The thing that bugs me is the fact both Republicans and Democrats in Congress supported the ban.
Both sides agreeing to anything is pretty rare. This makes me think there is compelling evidence that the Chinese government has data mined TikTok and used it against us in a major hack. While I read a lot of comments that Meta does the same thing, that’s not an accurate statement. Yes, Meta data mines, but they don’t use it against us like Chinese hackers do.
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I’m not taking any chances. I’ve downloaded all my videos using tokbackup.com (Not an affiliate link.)
During arguments, the lawyer representing TikTok said something very chilling in court yesterday. From what he said, I inferred that it’s possible on the 19th the app may just go dark in this country.
That’s the way I understood it. Lots of people are thinking if they get banned the app will still work. I thought that too until I heard the TikTok lawyer. Nobody really knows how this is going to shake out. But I’m preparing for the worst. We’ll see.

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