TikTok Affiliates are Distraught After Mass Ban Event August 15, 2024

TikTok mass ban.

Unfortunately, a lot of TikTok affiliates woke to this message the past few days. The commonality among them is they had all bought their account. It’s a common practice so people don’t have to build accounts to 5000 followers to be eligible for the TikTok shop affiliate marketing program.

All the big affiliates have backup accounts so that if one of their accounts gets banned, they can continue posting and making money without a pause in their income. Not all of them buy accounts, but a lot do.

I’m a member of Social Army on Discord where a lot of six-figure marketers hang out. Two days ago the reports started rolling in of people’s accounts getting banned. Accounts that had been purchased from a reputable seller in the Social Army Discord group were not spared. Everyone must die seems to be the mantra of TikTok in regard to bought accounts.

After reading hundreds of posts about this, I’ve concluded that the only safe way to have a backup account is to build it yourself. Buying accounts doesn’t seem like the smart way to go anymore. I feel bad for the people that had recently bought accounts to wake up and find them toast. $400 plus, down the drain. Crap.

TikTok Social Army

If it wasn’t for being a member there, I might not even be aware of the mass banning event right now. I’d been thinking about buying a backup account too. Phew! Thank goodness for procrastination. 😂 Back to building the backup the old-fashioned way. Well, not really. I’m going to build a backup, just not the long way.

A Social Army member (affiliate link) shared a way to build a backup fast that is both smart and safe, so I don’t have to worry about it getting banned, too. My membership there is worth every penny of the $39 a month fee. If you’re a TikTok affiliate, you have to be a member there or somewhere like it where other high earning affiliates share info.

Why? Because you’re going to make more money and you’re going to have fewer chances of getting banned. Now I’m going to sit back and watch what happens in the next few days and weeks to see how the mass ban event shakes out.

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